Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 4: Thankful for SEEDS of MEMORIES

Allowing the changing of the season. Acorns fall out of the MIGHTY OAK tree. Like the hands of time there is a reason. LOVED ONES leave behind their SEEDS of MEMORIES..While the leave are fluttering in the breeze, these are MY FAMILY SEED of MEMORIES. PRAYING FOR ALL THE FUTURE GENERATIONS TO COME. That YOU know PEACE HOPE JOY FAITH LOVE and Jesus, GOD's SON!!

A family is a unit that is special to thee. They should never be treated wrong or taken lightly. You should keep them close to you, for a families love is pure and true. A family will always be there for you and are never afraid to show they care.
You might not see eye to eye, but for any member of it we would surely die. If any member is needed at all, all you have to do is give them a call. OUR HEAVENLY FATHER loved us all the same so he decided to give us a family name.
He looked down and blessed this land with only two touches of his loving hand. John Oswald  was born on June 16, 1925 and he was his families middle born of three sons.
Esther  Hicks was born on August 31, 1925 and was the eldest of the four HICKS girls. They were born in Loiusianna but somehow ended up in Texas. They were called pet names as we all were  YOU COON ASSES!!!
Back on the 14th day of May in the year 1945,  Ms. Hicks became Mr. OSWALD's wife.
Mr. & Mrs. OSWALD made their home in Groves off of 32nd street.  They were some of the kindest, nicest, caring people that you could ever meet.
Never knowing back then that their family would grow to total ten.  Ms. Esther found out she was pregnant not long after they were married.  She lost the baby she was carrying (VICKI CAROL 6-1946). Granny(12-1949), ANA, Uncle Bubba, then Ju-Juwas born.
Next came FATSO  (8-9-1957), then Jeannine and finally CLYDE , the baby son. But the lord said they weren't done for nine months later came another girl one,NUNNA. Their names all started with J's all except Esther's was that way.
With six girls and two boys, there were many, many tears of both sadness and joy. Those eight married and moved away from home. All but one have children and they are almost all grown.
Georgette was born on May 9, 1972 and is the eldest of us all and Jackie's first daughter. Terri Jo is Jackie's middle child and Johnny's eldest, John Micheal, was born both in October of 1973.
Kathryn Kay was born to Jennifer in on April 6, 1974.  Only 6 months and four days seperated her from Tammy Lynn (Jackie's baby ). Our family received a big present in 1974  ON  CHRISTMAS DAY for Elizabeth Ellen was sent our way. 
A few years passed and no new branches came. On the 7th of June 1977, alittle boy was born to Jennifer and Eric Ray he was named. His favorite friend was Johnny's middle daughter born in February of 1978 and named Bobbie Jo.
ALL of the LOIUSIANNA COUSINS were young when their mom moved them away. But during the summers, John, Ellen, and Bobbie would come home to stay.
James Droddy, Jr is James' firstborn  son and  was born on March 8th and Bryan Jason was born to Julie on May 12, the year 1981. That made the total 6 grand-daughters and 4 grandsons.
Paw-Paw retired from Texaco around the year 1983 and decided to move away. He moved Nanny to a place named Buna and decided they would stay. They owned a trsh business and also made ceramics that they would bring to fairs in Loisianna and Texas.
That was FUN!!! When you were younger,  do you remember all that fuss?? Due to cancer, Paw-Paw left us on AUGUST 1, 1987 to make his final home in HEAVEN.
Three more grand-daughters were born in the next year. Sarah Mae to Johnny in August, 1987, Ashley Renee to Janie in January of 1988 and don't forget Jeanine had Blair. That was God's way of helping us heal.
NANNY's  HILL became the place to stay on weekends and any other time you needed a place to stay. WE were always here to answer the phone any night or day.
Sundays were days of rest and to us GRANKIDS they were always the BEST.  The next ten years produced Kayla Frances to Janie in February of 1992, and another granson Travis Micheal to James in March of 1993.
Our family was starting to branch out by leaps and bounds and Nanny's LOVE grew just as big as her house did. This was just something that had to be done.
The first GREAT GRAND branch to be added to the tree was by Georgette when DJ was also born in 1993.
Back in November of 1994 the LORD sent love knocking on someones door. 15 years have almost passed since Nanny asked me to share her wedding day. But if Paw-Paw had been alive they would have been married 50 years in 1995 the 14th of May.
The year 1996 brought GREAT GRAND branches galore with some sadness but MORE JOY. Kathryn gave birth to Eric Pruitt on the 24th and Terri gave birth to Justin Lee on January 26th. But sadly GOD trimmed our family tree when he took HOME Jeanine's baby boy.
The year was 1997 and the month was May two more GREAT-GRAND daughters were added within 18 days of each other. Jennice Justine was born on the 3rd to Kathryn and on the 21st, Caitlyn Michelle made Tammy a first time mother.
During that summer Nanny got sick and was often very week. But never passed up a HUG around her neck or a KISS on her cheek. Nanny left us on October 19, 1997 to go be with Paw-Paw up in Heaven.
That year was a sad time not only for your family but also for mine. We loved OUR NANNY and played with her every day. She still is missed after 15 years of being away.

In the year 1999, we added more great grand branches as Georgette had Carson  in February, John was John Micheals' first born that came along on June 8th and Trevor MICHEAL came along on July 16th to Tammy.      
NANNY & PAWPAW would love our family tree.
The month of November of 1999 brought the last child and also GRANDSON for Jeanine gave birth to Blake Allen and the original FAMILY was finally done.
The family is getting so big without NANNY and PAWPAWhere for in the year 2000, two were born in the same year. In February, Alexis Nicole was born James Jr  and John's second son Hunter Micheal was born in June.
From 2001 to 2003 no new branches were added to our grwoing tree.  In November of 2003 by GOD's amazing GRACE another GREAT GRANDCHILD was added when James Jr gave us Jayce Cade.
Three months later another branch was added as had happened before. Terri gave birth to Ashlyn in February of 2004.
The year was 2005 and the month was September when RITA did damage we all remember. NANNY's HOUSE became a memory on that day when the HURRICANE came and took it away.
But that 2005  also brought joy when in December James Jr welcomed Jordan James, his baby boy.
Brooklyn is the first born to Bryan in March of the year 2007.  That year GOD trimmed our tree again when Julie went to be with Paw-Paw and Nanny in HEAVEN.
In the year 2009 and Bryan branched out the FAMILY TREE one more time.
Ella Jane Droddy was added to make his family total five.
YOUR HOME is WHERE YOUR HEART is so that is what I am told.
HUGS and KISSES from me to you go out no matter where you go.

(there were marriages and other births along the way (GiGi, Lacey, LJ, Puss Tam, Jamison, Tracey, Juliana, Noam, etc)along the way that added more branches, will update when have been some more information....will be adding a few more SEED of MEMORIES along the way.)

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