Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 19: Thankful for OTHERS MOTHERS

wrote May 13, 2012:

Never thinking of themselves, they always thought of others. Today is the day that we are supposed to HONOR ALL MOTHERS.  They taught us how to respect others and to use words like Thank You and Please. They bandaged our bo-bo's and sewed our torn pants when we'd skin our knees. When we would fall off our paths and sometimes hit dirt. They are the ones who tended the pain and eased the hurt. The love they hold for their children always lit up their face. They have always been there for you, no matter the time or place. There have been disagreements and arguments over these years. She's the one you'd go to when you were sad and shed tears. When you moved away from home and decided to marry and have a baby. She's the one you went to when you were making this choice to be happy.

If YOUR MOTHER is no longer here but now makes HEAVEN HER home. She's still guiding you from above and never watns you to feel alone. She would want to tell you that she is forever glad. For when she was alive, she treasured the good times that you had. When she was here in her body form she taught you right from wrong. She would want to tell you now to hang in there and to always remain strong.She was the one, for you, whom she gave birth. Every now and then SHE returns as an ANGEL on earth. Never thinking of THEMSELVES for THEY ALWAYS thought of others. TODAY is the day, I HONOR not only MINE but ALL OF OUR MOTHERS.

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