Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 21: Thankful for Nurses on 12th Floor-1987

                                                               The 12th Floor
As you open the big door and begin the climb up the stairs, a smell will hit you, you'll never foget. This part of MD ANDERSON hospital is a world all in it's own. Not only are each room special but so are each and every person who works on the pods. It was very hard for us to let soemone whom we love and cherish so veery much be shut up out of out reach. This being OUR DAD. He's very spoilt and we loved doing this to him, but we thought by him being in isolation it would be hard on him.
But the nurses spoilt him while he was in their hands.  We could not ask for anything better for our DAD. He likes alot of attention and is a wart at times but the nurses gave him all the time he needed. They also had to put up with all of his family-  a wife, 8 children, grandchildres, plus many others. We got loud and noisy and had to be quieted down. But every question we asked was answered and we were treated almost as special as our Dad.  The strange feeling it gave us sitting on the oustside could onloy guess how it felt on the otherside of the glass. But with other familes on the pods there was a special bond. We made many speacial friends in out stay.  And the bond still holds even to the day that they opened the door and gave him back to us.
That was a very special day and the love for the NURSES on 12LP is still in our hearst and they are special people we will never forget.

This was written by my mother
Jennifer Droddy Swartzbaugh
back in 1987 when my PAWPAW came home the last time.

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