Thursday, November 15, 2012


Helping a STRANGER is what I was taught to do. Can I say the smaething of you. In order for me to start a new day. Tonight before i go to sleep for the BROWNS I WILL PRAY!!!!!!!
Hey, y'all! Just got home from seeing our Sleeping Beauty! Today we got to see Mommy doing therapy and I heard them tell Daddy she was 'sponding well to it. An guess what? Daddy sat and held Mommy's hand for a long time and talked to her and when he went to let go she tightened her grasp and pulled Daddy toward her! Even one of the nurses saw her raise her arm this week! She is also off of oxygen and Daddy said that is so very good! But the very bestest part of the day was this right here when I held hands with Mommy and I took a big ol' nap!
Hey, y'all! Just got home from seeing our Sleeping Beauty! Today we got to see Mommy doing therapy and I heard them tell Daddy she was 'sponding well to it. An guess what? Daddy sat and held Mommy's hand for a long time and talked to her and when he went to let go she tightened her grasp and pulled Daddy toward her! Even one of the nurses saw her raise her arm this week! She is also off of oxygen and Daddy said that is so very good!  But the very bestest part of the day was this right here when I held hands with Mommy and I took a big ol' nap!

Before we know it we will BLINK and HE will be GROWN. I PERSONALLY know the POWER OF PRAYERS. PLEASE KEEP PRAYING FOR THE BROWNS because I WANT her to wake up to see this baby she has never known and I know BABY JOHN NEEDS his MOMMY.  

I was BLESSED to have TWO CHILDREN of my own that are already a Junior and Sophomore in High School. I don't know what I would do without them. Yet, I do know that theVALUES that were taught to them are being INSTILLED INTO MY CHLDREN. I was made to GROW up toooooooo fast myself. THere are times that I wish I could go back and rewind the hands of time becuase so much time has passed between my FIRST BABY BROTHER was born and now my SON & DAUGHTER are almost GROWN.
BE NICE TO EVERYONE. How hard is that??   It's not really that difficult. I know that at times things seem tough and it's so easy to open  your mouth and say soemthing back. In the long run, if you GIVE IT TO GOD, things work out for the better.

My husband and I were talking today. He's the type to open his mouth first and not think. I am THINKING everytime that I open my mouth. (It's easier for me to write it down than for me to speak to someone.)
I am not 2 FACED (as some would use the term). What you see is what you get. If I am A FRIEND, I am a FRIEND. FAMILY??  Those whom are not of the same BLOOD AS YOU can be more of FAMILY than your OWN SISTER OR BROTHER. It's easy to say something back to someone if they are rude or ugly, etc to you but that isn'e how you are supposed to be. I know how had it is to turn the other cheek. When that happens, you aren't supposed to say anything back. That puts you in their place and integrity is what you lack. YOU are supposed to give it all to GOD and let him handle it. Once I finished explaining what I was meaning to my husband HE FINALLY UNDERSTOOD what, how, why I am the way that I am. I would rather get hurt than YOU so I hold it in and GOD TELLS me what to do.

I learned alot growing up about HOW FAMILY can be to each other. MY GRANDPARENTS TAUGHT ME how to LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY.
But what SOME don't realize is that ACTIONS SPEAK louder than words and NO PERSON is sin free.

I do take ALOT OF B**LS**T off of people. THAT IS SO VERY TRUE. But I was taught to DO UNTO OTHERS. So, that is what I do.

Some might want to beat me up or kick my ASP. They need to call an ambulance. Tha's OK, I will already be lying on the ground so they won't miss the chance.

I do not stand up and confront anyone. That's not what I was taught to do. SO WHAT YOU WILL. When the day is done, I will be better than you.

For in MY HEAVENLY FATHER's eyes, I can do no wrong. HE is the one guiding me and I am listening to HIS SONG.

There is a song called "Long Black Train" by Josh Turner. I know what that song means I am a fast learner.


I have been through alot in my short life, I am not even FORTY . I TREASURE WHAT GOD HATH GIVEN TO ME.


I am not a PERFECT PERSON in anyway. Yet, I cannot continue to GROW. I found a reason for me so I had to let you know.

I know that in MY PARENTS EYES If I were born a son, I would be NUMBER ONE!!!!!   Yet, I wasn't born to be a BOY, I was born to be a GIRL. MY LEGACY IS TO SPREAD PEACE, HOPE AND LOVE TO THE WORLD. 

There is alot more that I need to say. But that will have to wait until another day.

KEEP REMBER GOD IS WATCHING so be TRUE...............A SEED OF MEMORY is what I am leaving you..............................

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