Thursday, November 22, 2012

GIVING THANKS for ALL (Army, Navy, Air-Force, Marines, CoastGuard, etc) OF YOU.

Psalm 105:1 NLT

Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness.

Let the whole world know what he has done.
Thank You God for sending your Son to be the perfect sacrifice to redeem my sinful soul. Thank You God for Your Word as my guide on how to live a life pleasing to You. Thank You God for Your grace & mercy, for rescuing me from the person I once was & making me the person I am becoming. Thank you God for all the many blessings in my life, may they bring honor to Your name.
Happy Thanksgiving ALL!  For ALL our military I am Thankful for yours' and your families' sacrifices you make everyday for my freedoms!!
While you won't be here for you are far away, OUR NATION and OUR FAMILIES FOR YOU , will also PRAY.

LOVE this pic of our thankful troops...LIKE/SHARE if you are thankful for them!!

PRAY that the GOOD LORD keeps you safe and lets you return home. For YOU ALL have been missed while you have been gone.
SHARE if you're thinking of our troops overseas during this holiday season.

Free clicks fund meals for homeless vets @ as you rest your head to slumber, be thankful. 
There are so many blessings in our life. 
~ Honor Them

There isn't a night where the moon and stars don't shine, that I haven't been GRATEFUL and THANKFUL to call you mine. My HERO's who have helped keep OUR NATION free..Happy Thanksgiving! We love our military men and women.

God Bless....And also for making it so I can be ME.

The Soldiers Thanksgiving Poem
"Momma Don't Cry" by Mike Hutcheson (Big_Joe)
Via (Cindy Brown)A Soldier's Thanksgiving Day Poem Author Unknown (Via Cindy Brown) Instead of family and friends for Thanksgiving you will Chow with your comrades tonight One to your left, the other to your right. Your regiment, your battalion, Have now become family and friends Living day to day in a personal sacrifice On a mission to defend. ...You are the hero's who's faces we may never get to see But the pride and glory that's lives in a soldier heart Biers one word "Integrity" On this day We give thanks and honor to those brave and true Our banners, we will proudly wave The Red, White, and Blue We will give our thanks not only to our God but also to every soldier for our bounties, that be. For they give meaning to words Home of the brave Land of the Free. To the soldiers in the mess hall Eating their thanksgiving feast, to the troops in the desert eating another Meal ready to eat. May peace, hope and strength Travel with you along the way And may these wishes find you On A Soldiers Thanksgiving Day. Happy Thanksgiving to our Men and Women who have and are serving our country and their families... from a grateful American....

Momma don't cry, I'll be home soon -

Sitting at the table, with my fork and my spoon-
We'll eat thanksgiving dinner, that was prepared with your love-
And we will all give our thanks, to the good Lord above-

For the time I've been here, on this scorched foreign ground-
I must keep my silence, not making a sound-
Please include an empty chair table setting at Your Table to Honor & Remember those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom,Our Gold Star Families and those deployed unable to be HOME with Their Families.   We hope you will invite your family & friends to this event. Please post your photo of your table with or without a photo of whom you are Honoring & Remembering. We are FREE to gather where we want, when we want, and with whom we want because of the tremendous sacrifices made by Our Defenders Past & Present those who willingly are dedicated to protecting our Liberties Dedicated to GOD Family & Country.  These table settings will be to HONOR & REMEMBER one whom cannot be with their Family, let us join them in this humble tribute.   You may have your own family tradition of setting a place for your loved one ... If you would like a guide to for your Remembrance... We have offered One below.   The Table Cloth is white. It symbolizes the purity of their intentions to respond to their Country's call to arms.  A Single Rose in the vase reminds us of the families and friends of our missing brothers who keep the faith.  A Slice of Lemon on the plate reminds us of their bitter fate.  The Salt sprinkled on the plate reminds us of the countless fallen tears of families.  The Glass inverted - to represent they cannot toast with us this night.  The Chair is empty - they are not here.  Let us HONOR & REMEMBER & EMBRACE These Families with Our Love Support Gratitude and Respect ... Please Keep Them in Your Thoughts and Lifted in Your Precious Prayers... FREEDOM is NOT FREE but has been paid for is being paid for by BRAVE Men & Women for All of Us GOD Bless Them GOD Bless Each of You ♥ chaps one little peep, whether awake or asleep-
Could be all that it takes, to make my momma weep-

Still I'm coming home soon, standing at the front door-
I'll scream and I'll yell, and be silent no more-
The screams will be laughter, and I'll yell how I care-
And be thankful that momma, was always right there-

While night is falling here, the world has turned black-
I'm thankful for home, and can't wait to get back-
Just' sitting at the table, with my fork and my spoon-
Momma don't cry, I'll be home soon-

God Bless our Military Families, past, present and future!
Thank you for my freedom, Cindy Brown

GOD is guiding and watching over US from above.
I do not have money and I am not wanting fame. I am just asking that YOU ALL RETURN HOME SAFE AGAIN.



Many PRAYERS are being sent out to ALL (Army, Navy, Air-Force, Marines, CoastGuard, etc) OF YOU.
With HOPE, LOVE & FAITH, I BELIEVE that OUR DREAMING on the stars, will make them come true.

KK Tanton & FAMILY from Southeast, Texas

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